Meet The Host
![Tyler & Sara Trampe Tyler & Sara Trampe]()
Tyler & Sara Trampe
Tyler Trampe has been fishing his entire life and he brings life to the television world with his charismatic personality, intense knowledge on reading water and finding fish where others can't. He has an educational background in wildlife management and countless hours spent on the water from guiding in Northern Wisconsin. Tyler has fine-tuned his skills on fishing high pressured, clear bodies of water where understanding finesse techniques are required to catch fish in these "tough" lakes. Considered by his peers as a fluent multi-species angler he is known for his ability to read difficult water and understand seasonal movements of fish on any type of fishery; which translates into tactics that lead to "more fish in the boat."
Sara Trampe brings a unique aspect to the fishing television industry by not only being a recognized host but she is also an avid outdoorswoman with numerous hours on the water and in the field. Having Sara as a full-time co-host is a cutting-edge, unique feature of Sportsman’s Journal; with more and more women interested and getting involved in the outdoors Sportsman’s Journal is one of the only shows on the outdoor circuit with a permanent female host that is hands on learning and teaching fishing techniques. This unique quality has led to more female viewership and a much broader audience which communicates Sportsman’s Journal is for the entire family!